Sencor Electric Cooker SCP2803BK

SCP 2803BK SmoothCook offers the high performance of two 20-cm glass ceramic hotplates. It cooks quickly, has variable control in 100W increments. You don't need to take an additional training course to use it, it's simple and intuitive. A display for each hotplate shows the current power output, which is easy to set and change using chromed knobs. It features a decent display designed to communicate everything important without getting in the way. The timer is simply set in the range from one minute to three hours. Maintenance is also problem-free – monolithic top cover plate is easy to wipe. The monolithic surface of the plate also ensures greater safety, and cookware stability on this cooktop is far superior to many standard hotplates.
4199 UAH*
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* Recommended retail price
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